Fantastic cross device To Do reminder program
Having made abundant use of this program on both my Mac Air and iPod touch this holiday season, I am happier than ever with its performance. This experience has convinced me to upgrade the trial version on my laptop by buying the full program. I had already been using this app on my iPod touch with great appreciation, and now enjoy the advantages of having it on my laptop, too: expanded Projects with checkboxes, having a full keyboard experience while creating and organizing my To Dos, and having my To Dos pop up when I click the Notification Center.
Things has a marvelously versatile approach. We can create elaborate multi-stage projects or quick reminders. We can have due dates, or not. I love the way I can use the Share button on either device to put a website or other reminder into Things with just a few touches or clicks. This flexiible format extends into how we handle the things we put into Things. It can be a reminder to check out a webpage or a full, step by step, approach to a complicated project. I am putting all kinds of things into Things and feeling my mind relax as it no longer has to obessively go over and over the stuff I have to do.
I dont have to remember! It’s all in Things!
The cross-device implementation is phenomenal. No matter which application I use, the other device picks it up flawlessly and instantly. This is how I want my stuff to work. Sure, it’s pricey. But in one year, my less than five dollars a month investment in both devices will be continuing to pay off in freed-up brain power… while all my other To Do experiments have fallen by the wayside. And there has been plenty of those.
I’m now in a committed relationship.
Way of Cats about